EESA06H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Paleomagnetism, Absolute Time And Space, Viscosity

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5 Apr 2015

Document Summary

Two words you need to know from this lecture: One is paradigm: it"s a revolution in thinking, it"s a shift in people attitude and also revolution in science. Lord kelvin in 1900 came with the early model of the formation of the earth. He found out the time for the molten rock to cool down. Einstein glued the idea of kelvin which we call paradigm (revolution of thinking). One of the paradigm we will be talking about is plate tectonic. One of the thing that happened in science is that data on which paradigm is based has been around 10s of years. Formation of planet earth: 4500 million years before present. Magnetic stripes on the ocean floor and wander paths for continents: 1965 (fred vine). Mid-ocean ridges and hot spots: 1965 (tuzo wilson). Plate tectonics and the wilson cycle of supercontinents: 1967 (tuzo wilson). 1912 (alfred wegener) - he was a polymath (very good at lot different things).

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