EESA06H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Seafloor Spreading, Continental Drift, Tethys Ocean

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Continental shelf where the sea is shallower than the open ocean. Hydrophone picks up sound from the ocean floor. Geopoetry sea floor spreading (pushing older rocks apart) Greenstone belts rocks formed around the mid ocean now found in continents. Magnetometer measure subtle changes in the magnetic energy and field. Formation of planet earth was 4,500 million years before present. The continental drift theory and pangea (1912: alfred wegener) Magnetic stripes on the ocean floor and wander paths for continents (1965: fred vine) Mid-ocean ridges and hot spots (1965: tuzo wilson) Continental drift old idea, that the continents move around. Re-assembling pangea (1912: alfred wegener) (figure 2. 2 in textbook) Wegener (meteorologist) proposed that the continents can fit all together continental drift. 20,00 years ago figure 16. 33 in the textbook. The natural state of the toronto area is around one kilometer under ice. Ice sheets scratch the surface when they move because they contain rock materials called striations.

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