GASA02H3 Lecture : You're welcome
Document Summary
If two people have different imagination, then they live in different worlds. Schools of cosmo in early china: kai thien heavenly cover, hun thien celestial circles, hsuan yeh infinite emptiness. Distance between heaven & earth is 40000 km. maintain an etherealised body on earth (staying) assume life in an underworld, the yellow springs (going slightly down) assume life among the constellation (rise up) No sense of good goes to heaven and bad go to hell. Vedic cosmology (rg veda, second half of second millennium bce) The cosmos in 2 parts: sky(dyaus) and earth(prthivi) The cosmos in 3 parts: earth(bhur), atmosphere(bhurah), and heaven(svar) (this one prevailed) Cosmologies of hinduism, jainism and buddhism elements in common. universe is in three parts: heaven, earth, hell. mount menu runs through the centre as an axis mundi. The world at our level consists of concentric rings of earth and ocean, usually 7 of each.