GGRA02H3 Lecture : lecture 5
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Ownership linkages = corporate control of all stages (del monte) Contract linkages = farmers under contract to corporations (mccain"s) food = commodity = product (processed) traded, marketed, has surplus value -- then make production of food as efficient and profitable. Fresh fruits/vegetables -- small amount of processing. Meat -- frozen & compacted into a patty. Transportation of feed on a global scale: global agribusiness system. Global scale integration of all stages of food production into a corporate system. Agro-food complexes: industrial relations of production and processing (e. g. grain- livestock complex) - corn, soybeans (most are gmos) production expanded to fuel of growth/ feed of cattle. Farmers producing things they have to find a market for -- avoid tariffs, do not have to be subject to price fluxes. Growing grain and contracting others to grow grain. Inputs that farmers use (seeds) and outputs [ control over both ends of production]
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