GGRA02H3 Lecture 7: lecture 7
Document Summary
Less money to spend on luxuries/ optional expenditures, fewer/shorter trips. Still controls the money generated from investment. Forms in taxes and wages, rest goes back to the headquarters (leakage) Is it the type of employment that will generate enough income for spending in consumer goods. Facilities (water/sewage treatment) that tourists need, locals will benefit as well. Increased income may be consumed quickly in exchange for better services. Some places are more attractive than others. Spatial unevenness: power of principle of comparative advantage, tourism product cycle, competition for least cost locations, changing tourist tastes and behaviours. foreign investment, but also foreign control and profit. Look at the way in which tourism affects a particular place. And how its effects transforms the villa into an oriental disneyland. tourist landscapes are not fixed they evolve. Tourism has a production/ commodity chain (industry) The global development proj ect (concentrations of wealth and spreads of poverty) Whether it raises the standards of living.