GGRA03H3 Lecture : lecture 3
Document Summary
* overcrowded housing - high demands not met. * disease - death rate fell below births, cholera. * pollution - incompatibility of locations (proximity of residence to factories) * lack of separate land uses - no governmental sense/public concern. Global city: command centre of the global economy, place for people to migrate to. Cities are trying to attract investment/labour to become financially stronger. Late 19th century: growing public concern about the social and environmental hazards of industrial cities in europe/north america: Manchester "black city" - coal on walls of buildings. Along trade routes to new york city from ship to places with poor sanitation and high population. Urban public health movement: 1850s [new ways to address urban environments] Political movement to improve welfare of city residents. Land use zoning: separation of land uses [urban planning] Policies to improve sanitation (sewage systems), financial investment. United kingdom - start of government legislating housing.