GGRA03H3 Lecture 11: lecture 11
Document Summary
Exam is cumulative but will be broader. Part a = long essay question (conceptually broad), bringing in concepts to make your argument. Role of activism and can be formal advocacy at the city scale. To change behaviour and attitudes of citizens. Practice of urban sustainability e. g. city of toronto case example of waste disposal. In canadian municipalities, waste disposal is funded and managed by local government. All households have access to green box/blue box/waste disposal programs. Practice taken for granted (eat and throw) Target 70 campaign for solid waste diversion (from landfills through composting, recycling, and general reduction) * reduce packaging, reuse instead of purchasing/using disposable/nonrecycable items. All garbage from toronto is currently shipped to a landfill in michigan (stop in 2010) High costs of transporting garbage across the border contract stopped. Toronto purchased green lane landfill in elgin county, ontario in 2007. Connectivity/network issue - others have to address our "waste"