GGRA30H3 Lecture Notes - Statistical Significance, Logistic Regression, Clent
Document Summary
Survivorship of video rental shops in toronto over 1982 to 1999. Guess-author imagined starting with no stores at all in 1982 but as- sumed that every site that ever had a video store anywhere between 1982 and 1999. Sample excludes rack jobbers, video boxes, and other video rental opera- tions that do not typically have an as- sociated telephone number. (48 chain-store sites and 69 single store sites) are shown as gray circles. As an impulse purchase. to the small video shop of about 100 m2, often a single-site firm, 0to the video superstores (typically 400 m2 or more) commonly operated by chains. Author studies the process by which competition among stores leads to death (disappearance) Firms enter industry and disperse until profit too low to attract more firms. The coexistence of chain and single-site stores suggests distinct market niches. Figure 4 shows map of toronto video stores (both single-site and chain stores) present in.