GGRB28H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Treatment Action Campaign, Tropical Medicine, Triumphalism
Document Summary
Google treatment action campaign for a better understanding of next weeks" video. Affected the languages spoken in various countries today (depending on the country that ran the colonies) Most health initiatives from the government were concerned with the colonialists. The services given to the population were given to benefit the country (by improving the health of the working population, it increased productivity) Health was heavily skewed towards urban areas as settlers tended to live in urban areas. Technocratic, for instance through ddt interventions to address malaria. A technocratic approach refers to the concentration on one type of disease; it"s a technical solution. Natives and whites were separated, living in different areas as health issues were associated with race (specifically, the native race) Internationalism: un agencies such as who and unicef. In the cold war, america and russia were trying to exert power and influence upon different countries.