GGRB28H3 Lecture 2: Lecture 2 notes
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Globalization" is a very prominent word in today"s world. It has been used especially since the 1980s to capture a series of economic, political, and social changes. It is also widely used to discuss health. For instance global health" is a term that is very common when talking about health issues that cross a number of boundaries. The bill and melinda gates foundation has a global health program. So does the us aid (which is the program through which the us channels foreign aid) and cida (canadian. There are organizations that take the name, such as the global health council. It is difficult to believe that this way of looking at health is actually quite new. Is there anything particularly unique about the present period, for instance in comparison with the colonial period which connected peoples in new ways or the expansion of europe into the so-called new world .
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