GGRC21H3 Lecture : Guest Speaker Lecture Notes
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Class discussion: sprawl congestion, excessive traffic into the core, overloading of infrastructure, traffic exceeds the design limitations. Sarzynski paper: explores 7 aspects of land use in 1990 and 3 traffic congestion outcomes in 2000 for. Approach: hypothesizes structural model, take 50 cities and take each city as an experiment and then observe traffic flow patterns, estimates a reduced form equation for congestion. Type of study: empirical study of 50 selected us msas, observation is a city (eua) which is msa minus undevelopable area and land with little economic attachment to core. Sample: regionally stratified, proportional random sample within each region. Congestion and its causes: congestion getting worse over time, congestion worse in larger cities, congestion worsens with income level, road and public transit capacity. Olszewski paper: rapid economic growth does not have to mean traffic congestion, singapore has instead restrained car traffic. Type of paper: empirical case study, time series analysis: observation is annual level of activity, policy prescription.
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