HLTA02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Major Depressive Episode, Major Depressive Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder
Document Summary
When a health researcher"s perspective, interested in physiological health, is what type of data we are trying to get. 5 point, ordinal type of rating of your health [1-5 or a-e]; higher=more better. Health; a state of complete physical, mental and social well bring and not just the absence of disease or illness; includes social, economic, and physical environmental factors that contribute to health. Who: defines mental health: a state of wellbeing, where individual realizes his abilities and cope with normal stresses of life and work productively . 12% of canadians will experience a major depressive episode over their lifetime. 5% of people experience a major depressive episode annually. From a policy perspective there are issues with funding and quantifying: Distinction between direct and indirect costs; direct are easier to put dollar value on. Direct costs: hospital stays, medication, visits from psychologists and social workers indirect costs: lost productivity, unemployment, reduced quality of life, non- institutional treatments.