HLTC23H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Romanian Orphans, Neural Tube Defect, Feral Child
Document Summary
Lecture 3: biological bases of human development: genes, environment, brain development. Common pattern of increase or decrease in a health outcome variable related to an increase or decrease in a measure of socioeconomic status (ses) The idea of the gradient in prediction/accounting for health outcomes springs from the social determinants of health perspective. This perspective argues that risk factors operating at the population level, that are socially distributed are as important as individual risk factors (e. g. smoking vs. % country below the poverty line) Public health agency of canada: the weight of scientific evidence supports a socioeconomic explanation of health inequalities. The roots of ill health can be found in such determinants as income, education and employment as well as in the material environment and lifestyle. Also of significance is that poverty in canada falls disproportionately on children. Examples of ses gradient effect of reading performance: