IDSB01H3 Lecture : IDSB01 - Lecture 4
Document Summary
Essays are allowed to be turned in via email to ta, cc: prof. by midnight tonight before penalty (1% per day includes weekend); turn in during tutorial is no good due to movie showing. Lecture notes by the prof. are up on the intranet. Development: perceived to be a race between population and economic growth: most common measurement = income or output per capita (gdp / population is a measure of development) Outcome to look for is numerator growth, denominator slower growth (or even shrinking). If population grows too fast, it"ll be harder for the standard of living to go up if the denominator rises too fast: fastest rate = 20th century when population grew from 1 6 billion. Fast in per year sense historically is 3%/yr: some countries had even higher than 3%/yr for decades (i. e. families with like 14 children)