MGAD40H3 Lecture : Diagnosing & Aligning Lec 9 Ch.10-11
Document Summary
Diagnostic vs. interactive control systems: maintain our return on management. sales rammed into part of last month. structure looking to bring in new individuals. two tier: retail and wholesale (mary kay to consultants) every new superstar may have moved too fast. recruit from own group, standardized program to ensure right types of people. indiv sales ppl have reason to deliver performance. cost of customer acquisition vs retention www. notesolution. com. acquisition costs stay with sales agent team, maybe not transparent. qualitative aspect of hiring (70% turnover rate), sales exp, training. feed yourself, let people expand as organization. ask the 5 w"s, leading to why. elements of storm model may not work for full broad spectrum of mary kay. costs of repossession , allowance make may think twice if have to pay for it if don"t need it. set baseline with limit (500 cars = )