POLB50Y3 Lecture : Americanization

144 views3 pages
9 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Lecture one: january 20, 2011 americanization of canada: certain ideas that are canadian/american, us in a different position than canada o o. California is larger than the economies of all but 8 countries in the world. Each aircraft carrier carries more than most countries entire militaries. 6. combined military spending of all the countries in the world (us) 12. death penalty, gay marriage, social security, etc. 13. share the same views on politics, economics, etc. 2009/20, 19 of the top 20 most watched. Canada, all but one was produced in the us. Gdp is in exports, 70% of which goes www. notesolution. com. Canadian i nsecurity: seek out and exaggerate canadian-us differences, government regulations. Forces canadians to be provided with canadian media. 5: transition from french, to partially british, to completely british, us was founded as a revolutionary country, waves in immigration: aboriginals, french, british, american loyalists.

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