POLB80H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: African Nationalism, Appeasement

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Lecture 2: a brief history of the modern world: homo sapiens (1648-2014) Wwi: over 10 million military casualties, over 7 million civilian casualties, over 37 million total-war related deaths in four years (more than the entire population of canada, new technology = more/easier methods of killing. Us develops it, but then fails to join. The league fails to deliver on collective security in key crises. Member states dropped out as their interests favoured aggression. Chapter 7 of the un charter provides for the collective self- defense of sovereign states (only use force against an aggressor) Only the un security council has the ability to authorize the use of force to prevent aggression against other sovereign members of the un. Unsc p5: us, ussr, france, uk, and china. Each p5 member has veto power over binding resolutions. Cold war standoff between east and west paralyzed the sc.

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