POLC87H3 Lecture Notes - Hegemonic Stability Theory, Private Good, Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization
Document Summary
But in 2nd b can escape punishment, its not certain, where as if i was under. Benevolent hegemon model- a single dominant acto is nessasary for cooperation ( theory of. How can this be beneficial: -idea that hegemon state creates order and is beneficial (not a conclusion many scholar have) = in this state the usa is seen as benevolent. What is benevolence: acting good without self regard, does things for those who are not family, doing things for people with whom we have no direct relation with. Any benefit is derivative, :-pride, emotional satisfaction ( no personal gain) Issue of what would happen if us power waned , how would international stability be affected ? idea that dominant power waned = international security and cooperation. Keohane reputed as during us, much international strive , as usa unwilling to enforce or do anything.