PSYA01H3 Lecture : Chapter 7 Lecture Notes
Document Summary
Sensation refers to raw energy, bottom up input. Ab12 13 14 example tells perception kicks in with the context around the objects. The retina is not evenly represented but, instead, more primary cortex is devoted to images at or near the fovea. Some nerve cells in a module respond only to lines of certain orientations, others respond only to motion, others to colour, etc. Thus, primary cortex codes the basic features of the image it receives. Secondary visual cortex regions (i. e. , association cortex) is responsible for higher level visual processes as revealed by various types of brain injury: Damage to primary visual cortex - often results in blind spots but no problems with object recognition. Damage to one part of association cortex can lead to an inability to see colour altogether, a problem termed achromatopsia. Damage to a slightly different part of visual association cortex can result in an inability to perceive motion.