PSYA01H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Jane Goodall, Paul Broca, Cognitive Revolution

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4 Aug 2012

Document Summary

North america focused on behaviouralism- science based with a stimuli and response. 1960s: because of war, the government became interested in cognitive psychiology, which psychologists were against. Scientists used computers as a model- input, process, output, and had memories. We had software that stored information and passed it to other- cognitive process. Scientists try to incorporate this by applying science to it. Hard science- chemistry, physics, are considered hard, but it"s actually easy, since you can see" the material and process. It"s considered hard because it embraces math, which most people are having a hard time with. Psychology is a science that needs indirect approaches since you can"t see the subject- the mind. We can try to get at what is happening even though we can"t see it. It requires a complexity and a process that is more difficult to handle. It is considered soft" because you have data that is difficult to use.