PSYA02H3 Lecture : Lecture Notes with Powerpoint References

PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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All these people are successful in their respective fields, they are intelligent, but they have different mental abilities. We often say that a person is intelligent or not. For example, tennis and hockey uses hand eye coordination. We cannot conclude that if an athlete is good at one sport, they are good at all sports; this applies similarly to intelligence and mental abilities. Savant syndrome refers to cases where an individual with an iq that is well below average has an exceptional, amazing talent in a particular area. The exception talent is typically in one of these areas: calendar calculation, amazing feats of memory, great musical ability despite the lack of formal training, mastery of several languages. Spearman was one of the first psychologists to theorize about human intelligence. Spearman found a strong correlation from test of various abilities given to people (i. e. test on vocabulary and world knowledge)