PSYA02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Nomothetic, Standard Deviation

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Psya02 introduction to psych week 2, lecture 4 january 14, 2013. Most psychological research aims to understand the average human: sometimes referred to as nomothetic research. Some areas of research tries to understand why & how some humans differ from others: this research is said to focus on individual differences . Most societies believe it is in the interest of the populace to financial support. An educated/intelligent populace leads to a better country, leads to more. An ability to measure intelligence might be beneficial in couple of ways the education of its citizens innovation, stronger economy and more power to higher levels of success: 1. It allows you to assess whether certain educational approaches lead: 2. It may allow one to tailor a child"s education to their current abilities. But how does one measure intelligence: a tough issue, all the way through.