PSYA02H3 Lecture : Lecture 22 Notes
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Nonverbal communication: things communicated outside language encoding ; things we do, tone at which we say something; reading between the lines". Verbal : can be done orally, or written. Dyadic conversation: conversations involving two people; they normally have a structure that follows an a-b-a-b form; each person takes a turn at speaking then listening. Speaker tends to look away, listener looks ;; turn taking event. Prior to giving up the floor, the speaker looks at the listener indicating that its their turn. In anticipation of turn taking, the listener will look away and then start talking. Visual behaviour indicates turning tables; he"s ready to give up the floor to the listener; signals to listener to start getting ready to talk. Handing the more difficult role in terms of cognitive resources, have to decide on meaning, deep structure, and words they are going to produce, takes effort, need to concentrate into smooth production of speech.