PSYB30H3 Lecture : Personality Lecture 5
Document Summary
Using this course for your own benefit: apply what you learn to yourself and others, become critical thinkers, rise above emotions and irrationality, e. g. Narcissism/ entitlement: the most important criterion for evaluating the merit of a philosophical assumption/statement--compellingness, when he talked about our generation if you did not find it compelling . The average person will say it hurt them. Anna freud: her father"s intellectual heir, became eminent psychoanalyst and international authority in her own right, emphasized the role of the ego, giving it greater autonomy, extended psychoanalysis to the study of children (freud never worked with children) Explanation www. notesolution. com client has crazy experiences and doesn"t know why they react that way: what someone does in their life you can always understand if you know their past experiences and how they react to them. Your cohort: our generation is developing certain norms, entitlement, narcissim opposite of one of erikson"s stage generativity vs.