PSYB30H3 Lecture 20: lecture 20
Document Summary
Safeguarding strategies distinctive in the lives of neurotic people. Adler thought that the feelings of inferiority were universal there is something that makes everyone feel inferior, and then the compensatory behaviours arise to. This tension between the feeling of inferiority and superiority is at the heart of neurotic behaviour, in adler"s view. Neurotic individuals are therefore expected to be extremely self-absorbed and self-preoccupied, because they have to constantly attend to their feelings of inferiority. The expectation than is that the neurotic individual has a much deeper rooted sense of inferiority. Fortunately, we have at our disposal a wide range of strategies with which to safeguard or protect our sense of self- esteem or security: rationalizing. Rationalizing strategies refer to the tactical use of one"s own symptoms to explain why one can"t face up to various life challenges/demands. The neurotic individual excuses him/herself from the challenges of life by the tactical use of their symptoms.