PSYB32H3 Lecture : Lecture of Substance Abuse and Personality Disorders

93 views8 pages
26 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Substance dependence: difference between substance dependence and abuse, dsmv will probably drop the differences between the two will see it on a continuum (from social drinking to alcohol abuse and dependence, call it addiction and related disorders. Symptoms of substance dependence: formal diagnosis includes a minimum of 3 of these symptoms. If symptoms include tolerance and withdrawal also use the term addiction. Increase or larger dose of the substance is needed to produce a desired affect. effect of drug decreases if the usual amount is taken. there is a physiological dependence, negative physical and psychological affects which are substance specific, develop when the person stops taking the substance or decreases the amount (or dosage) some people will use the substance to decrease withdrawal affects. person uses more of substance or uses it for a longer time than intended. much of the person"s time is spent trying to obtain substance or recover from it"s effects.