PSYB45H3 Lecture 14: Lecture Note For PSYB45, Lecture 14
Chapter 14
Procedures based on principles of Respondent Conditioning
Operant versus Respondent Behavior
- Operant conditioning- behaviour that operates on the environment can be
modified its consequences.
- Consequences that cause behaviour to increase are called reinforcers, and
those that cause it to decrease are called punishers.
- Operant Behaviours- behaviours that operate on the environment to generate
conswquences, are are in turn controlled bny those consequences.
Examples! putting gas in your car, asking for directions, writing an exam,
- Respondent Behaviours- more like innate behaviours that are just occur
without controlling them. Example! being frightened when watching a scary
movie, drooling when you smell food, becoming sexually aroused when you
what porn, etc.
- A respondent condition is also called Pavlovian Conditioning.
Principle of Respondent Conditioning
- The respondent conditioning principle is based on the fact that certain
stimulus automatically elicit certain responses apart form any prior learning or
conditioning experience. These “automatic” stimulus-response relationship[s
are called” unconditioned reflexes” (unconditioned because they elicit
- Unconditioned stimulus (US) - a stimulus that elicits a response without
prior learning or conditioning.
- Unconditioned Response (UR)-a response elicited by such a stimulus (the
- Neutral Stimulus- A particular stimulus that alone does not elicit a response,
but when paired with a stimulus that does elicit a response (ex. Food), then it
will elicit a response (UR= salivation)
- The principle of Respondent Conditioning states that if that neutral stimulus
(bell sounds) is followed closely in time by a US (food in mouth) which elicits
a UR (salivation, then the previously neutral stimulus becomes he
conditioned stimulus (CS), which elicits a conditioned response (CR)
(salivation to the sound of the bell).
Factors Influencing Respondent Conditioning
1) the greater the number of pairing of a CS with a US, the greater the ability of
the CS to elicit the CR, until a maximum strength of a condition reflex has
been reached.
2) Stronger conditioning occurs if the CS precedes the US by about half a
second, rather than by a longer or rather than following the US.
3) A CS acquires greater ability to elicit a CR if the CS is always paired with a
given US than if it is only occasionally paired with the US.
Document Summary
Operant conditioning- behaviour that operates on the environment can be modified its consequences. Consequences that cause behaviour to increase are called reinforcers, and those that cause it to decrease are called punishers. Operant behaviours- behaviours that operate on the environment to generate conswquences, are are in turn controlled bny those consequences. Examples putting gas in your car, asking for directions, writing an exam, etc. Respondent behaviours- more like innate behaviours that are just occur without controlling them. Example being frightened when watching a scary movie, drooling when you smell food, becoming sexually aroused when you what porn, etc. A respondent condition is also called pavlovian conditioning. The respondent conditioning principle is based on the fact that certain stimulus automatically elicit certain responses apart form any prior learning or conditioning experience. These automatic stimulus-response relationship[s are called unconditioned reflexes (unconditioned because they elicit responses without no prior learning)