PSYB45H3 Lecture Notes - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behaviorism, Cognitive Therapy
Document Summary
Intensity of force: the physical effort or energy involved in emitting the behaviour. Generally behaviour is anything someone says or does. Technically, it"s any muscular, glandular, or electrical activity of an organism. Three synonyms for behaviour acre activity, action, and performance: distinguish between behaviour and products of behaviour. Give an example of a behaviour and a product of that behaviour that are not in this chapter. A behaviour is the actual action and products of behaviour are what results from that behaviour (cause and effect relationship). Example: overeating (behaviour) and gaining 10 pounds (product of behaviour): distinguish between overt and covert behaviours. Give two examples of each that aren"t in this chapter. Overt behaviours are observable and recordable by a person who is not conducting the behaviour while covert behaviours happen within one"s skin and require special instruments to be observed. Overt behaviour examples: punching someone, giving a presentation. Cognitive behaviours are imagining and private self-talk (thinking in words).