PSYB65H3 Lecture Notes - Pupillary Response, Frontal Lobe, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

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8 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Major classifications of drugs: prescription drugs available in drug store with prescription. Pretty much based on politics and money: over-the-counter drugs available in drug store without prescription. Codeine is available in canada without a prescription, but in us you need a prescription: social drugs alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, not produced commercially/produced commercially but not for psychoactive effect marijuana, cocaine/airplane glue, etc. Most drugs if taken repeatedly and frequently (a long time) show a dec behavioural effect. When frequently and repeatedly used, drug stops being taken there will be a behavioural effect. Never take a person off depressants (i. e. alcohol) cold turkey cuz they could die, so start the alcoholic person on another sedative/depressant like valium and then get them off the valium slowly. Recall, after tolerance occurs for a stimulant, less receptors are at the synapse because there is excess nt"s. Likewise recall, after tolerance occurs for a depressant, more receptors are at the synapse because there is less nt"s.

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