PSYB65H3 Lecture Notes - Circumlocution, Middle Cerebral Artery, Angular Gyrus

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10 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Integrative- integrating info (understanding) ( nuts and bolts ) wernicke"s area. Expressive- getting language out (speaking and writing) broca"s area. Receptive aphasias pure word deafness- problems in relating incoming sounds and representations which allow the understanding of discourse. Can hear sound but don"t decipher it as language ( voice comes, but words do not come ) Normal ability to read, write, and speak (can obey written commands) But, cannot repeat verbal sentences, cannot obey verbal commands. Involves damage to the left temporal damage (primary receptive area) Integrating- selecting and arranging meaningful units and their eventual conversion into comprehensible, coherent speech. These aphasias vary from extreme to mild symptoms depending on size of damage. They produce fluent, but meaningless speech (make unintelligible statements , but its not really a word salad) Harmony of language is still there, (still has grammar), melody of language is still there, still sounds like language/speech. In extreme cases, it sounds like another language.

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