PSYC02H3 Lecture : l05__
Document Summary
we have many options in word choice, order of presentation, publication outlets media; etc. even when not using words, still saying something ( the choice to not speak to prove a point) rhetoric doesn"t imply intent. we want audience to read or listen to the entire thing. want audience to believe what you are saying. want to situate self in current dialogue. want to learn to be a better communicator overall learn to recognize rhetoric in what you read/hear take place in scientific community. Using passive rather than active voice (obscuring human agency), not using personal pronouns. Making a non thing into a thing ex: nominalization: nouns derieved from verbs (observe observation) long noun strings. gives permanence story telling (order in which parts of the study are laid out) functions and areas of rhetoric in scientific communication title: informative but also enticing.