PSYC13H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Computer Hardware, Junk Food, Iphone 7

139 views3 pages
10 Dec 2018

Document Summary

When really tired, it(cid:495)s difficult to resist times, we(cid:495)re good at it and sometimes, we(cid:495)re not (cid:523)wrongful convictions(cid:524). )t(cid:495)s been debated over the years: many view it as a content: perhaps, the definition is unnecessarily restricted: )f you(cid:495)re studying the self, that(cid:495)s not another person so maybe that(cid:495)s not social cognition. Emotions have a deleterious effect on ability to make good decisions, under such a def(cid:495)n, that(cid:495)s not social cognition. For instance, gmail deduces what spam is; algorithms- Our sc mechanisms/algorithms are like this too, they(cid:495)re good but not perfect stimulus hasn(cid:495)t changed but the context has and our perceptual system effortlessly: how can we use these cognitive mechanisms to make social inferences. Sensation and perception: if you change the context, the 13 can change to b. The switches between the context, given the right meaning in those contexts. What about a stimulus in the social domain: our hardware is the brain!

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