PSYC18H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Determinative, Humanistic Psychology, Juan Luis Vives

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17 Apr 2013

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Vorstellungsarten- the ways of conceiving and representing things was bound t the question of. Darstellung (presentation) the question of presentation is a question of language and rhetoric. As a poet, goethe recognized with unmatched clarity the role of language in science, its symbolic and inalienably metaphorical character. There is a need for language in science, it is empirical, proof showing something, and demonstrating something. No one outside the inner circle can understand you. Both strive to rescue phenomena from the obscurity of accident by raising them to significant eminenve and clarity, no single portrayal of phenomena rembraces the whole truth . While some relationships migh be enhanced and clarigied, other withdraw from view. Phenomena are events of the world, we want to prevent to from obscurities. Just as art always present itself as complete in every single artwork, so should science always show itself whole in every single thing it treats.

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