PSYC18H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Metacognition, Tantrum, Prefrontal Cortex
Document Summary
We are going to be looking at how emotions develop throughout the lifespan, focusing exclusively on childhood. We will be looking at all the facets of emotions such as emotional experience, emotional expression, subjective experience, etc. The first concept that we will be talking about is emotional intelligence. I think everybody has a pretty rough understanding of what that concept entails. Some people say that emotional intelligence is more important than iq. We will talk about what emotional intelligence means and why is it important for development and how children come to develop this capacity. We will then move out of the parent-child relationship and see how those interactions might affect emotional experience. One thing that we will talk about is consequences of play; how children play and how it develops their emotions and give them the emotional intelligence they need. Finally, we will talk about the development of altruism how is it that children are not selfish.