SOCA01H3 Lecture : Culture

53 views8 pages
5 Dec 2010

Document Summary

In order to justify the existence of sociology as a sperate field of study durkheim needed to prove that social forces exist that they do indeed influence on sucicde . Durkheim found this society has its own existence separate from biology, psych what. Durk wanted to do was find the social side of human beings so his studies of sucide located that social sucide finding that justification. a collection of social forces that surround us the most general thing we can say about. these forces manifest outside and inside us. internal social forces are called constains b/c they hold you back from doing certain things. is the sum of ideas, practices, and material objects that people create to deal with real-life problems. the most important material object in our culture is money. two faces of culture paradox of culture.

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