SOCA02H3 Lecture Notes - Systems Analysis, Dependency Theory, Mcworld

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Globalisation- process where social relationships are established transcending national borders, primarily by subnational and supranational actors: eg: supernatural organization; nike, wal-mart, large chemical companies, they are organization thought to act supernatural levels, eg; united nations, interpol, charitable foundations. Industrialization began end of 18th century, countries in the world, that means power of national states is going down. It is affects developed countries more than non-developed countries: tariffs prevent imports, because it is too expensive and canada has abandoned tariffs. Engine parts arrive in 2 months it will take 2 months to ship and come back gain, (global commodity change). Technology would not have given us globalisation alone, but it is needed for more efficient production integrated into everyday life. Technological determinism is that the progress of tech is automatic and nothing can intervene. They grow in size and they need larger markets to remain stable and that is what necessitates globalisation.

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