SOCA02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Dollarama, Unequal Exchange, General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade
Document Summary
Process whereby social relationships are established transcending national borders, primarily by subnational and supranational actors (beck: deterritorialisation) Knezevic: characteristic of the past 40 years (cf. Sovereignty of developed nations is still significant, but presented as fluid for ideological reasons. Sovereignty of developing nations is eroded by the race to the bottom . It is developed by identifiable social actors: transnational corporations (tncs, supranational institutions (un, imf, wb, eu, nafta, gatt ) and, powerful states, in particular united states and its allies, recently china. Stretching of social, political, and economic activities worldwide. Intensification of the interconnectedness of trade, investment, finance, migration, and culture. Speeding up of global interactions and processes with respect to ideas, good, information, capital, and people. Deepening impact of events felt throughout the world. During the 1980s, many third world countries experiences a crippling debt crisis. In 1989, the soviet union collapsed and the us was further enabled to spread neo-liberal policies.