SOCB42H3 Lecture 10: Lecture 10
Document Summary
In aristocracy words tend to last, do not change often the world doesn"t change as much either. Elites are the ones who do make new words, if any (philo and poetry) Usually ancient words such as latin, greek. Democracy people move up and down; always changing, new businesses, new words. Novelty is good in democracy; language must always change. Words come from politics, pop culture, business, classes, countries accepted by all. Aristocracy opinions, thoughts, affairs of the elites make things happen and makes changes. (ex. king wants to change his religion, marry someone new, etc) Democracy every individual is weaker than everyone else. Historians do not write about individuals but of groups, movements: Tocqueville thinks this is dangers because we think of ourselves as carried by a tide", can"t influence it, just go with what happens. Aristocracy what i do now affects my family generations after me.