SOCC27H3 Lecture 11: SOCC27 Lecture 11.docx

Asian suburbanization
yuppies: young urban professionals
chinese version is called chuppies who are settling in upscale suburban area on
the fringe of the city
in a way, Fleischer is not just talking about suburbanization itself but rather
consumption, and the changes in society which have lead to the emergence of a
new class in chinese society
one of the important things are consumer brands which is one of the ways to
display your new found status (clothing, electronics)
sprawl; is happening but is it a problem?
“dan da bing”: making a big pancake (sprawl in a way is like a big pancake)
between 1980-90: 77% of all new housing was built in outlines of new district
the cities lost 92,000 people and the suburbs gained 1.7 million
not all 1.7 mil were chuppies, a lot of people were just displaced out of the cities
the situation is not necessarily the same for every Asian nation and city; there are
significant differences between Bangkok and Mumbai, they don’t grow with the
same patterns
but you are seeing the growth of a new middle class and are settling on the edge
of cities rather then in downtown
final exam
SA and essay
most important is the area where the readings overlap with the lecture
Suburban Beijing: one essay question on exam
look at his ethnographic observations of everyday life in the suburbs particularly
at the relationships and conflict that occur among the 3 different groups that love
in this suburb (chuppies, rural migrants and the retired people)
bring pen
it is not cumulative: start from jan 30 lecture: literary critiques of suburban culture
Document Summary
Dan da bing : making a big pancake (sprawl in a way is like a big pancake) between 1980 90: 77% of all new housing was built in outlines of new district cities the cities lost 92,000 people and the suburbs gained 1. 7 million not all 1. 7 mil were chuppies, a lot of people were just displaced out of the cities the situation is not necessarily the same for every asian nation and city; there are significant differences between bangkok and mumbai, they don"t grow with the same patterns but you are seeing the growth of a new middle class and are settling on the edge of cities rather then in downtown final exam.