SOCC29H3 Lecture Notes - Patrilineality, Patrilocal Residence, Wield
Document Summary
Classic patriarchy structures social relations and determines the nature of gender ideology across the patriarchal belt. The patrilineal-patrilocal complex is key to the functioning of the patriarchal bargain. Contrasts sub-saharan african and the belt of classic patriarchy (asia to middle east) The wives are at the bottom of the ses of the family. Patrilineal and patrilocal is the heart of patriarchy. Powerlessness of the bride upon marriage and her subordination to males and female elders. The new wife lacks property, economic resources and is young makes disempowers her. They only have to offer her labour and her fertility. These are the only things that hold value. Also, if she becomes a mother-in-law then she can control the labour of the sons wife. Because of this, they agree to the patriarchal rule because there are benefits in the long run that will pay off. Women themselves internalize patriarchal norms because it provides them with eventual power and status.