SOCC29H3 Lecture Notes - Nuclear Family
Document Summary
Mubara"a: initiated unilaterally by women claiming harm by husband. Khul: initiated by the women who gives up financial rights to husband. Promt dower (mahr), gives up right to deferred dower (sum of money he has to pay to wife upon divorce of death), also gives up right to maintenance (allamony) Talaq: initiated by men and there are no conditions (repudiation): had to be pronounced 3 times ( you are now divorced ) and then they are officially divorced and cannot be taken back. Because people value stability of marriage, divorce is becoming less prominent. In middle east, divorce rates are on a downward trend where in western societies they are on an upward trend. Cuno: the historical trajectory of divorce rates in egypt. In 19th century, european travelers to egypt crtitized the fact that divorce was so common. Meantime in the west, divorce became more prevalent because of shifting : social attitudes, legal regulations: making divorce more accessible.