SOCC29H3 Lecture Notes - Occupational Segregation, Domestic Violence
Document Summary
Aging and the elderly: olmsted quiz question 1. Olmsted contends that the p gender and family order in the middle east has been more resistant to change then that in other world regions. Oil boom international migration to the oil-rich states. Although migration strengthens the p family, it also weakens it in the arab world When young people move to cities, the extended family is weakened. When men migrate for employment, the women left behind take on new non-patriarchal roles. As p weakens, their economic resources are less secure have less claim to family resources such as dower and inheritance. Older people may be less likely to live with children, making them more economically vulnerable. Elderly women may exercise less control over the choice and labor of their daughter in laws. Older people may be at greater risk of abuse. Aging and the eldery: yount and sibai quiz question 1.