VPHA46H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Oxford Art Online, Google Images
Document Summary
Vpha46h3 f ways of seeing: introduction to arts history | week 2. Office hours: hw 507a 15:30-19:30 monday, or by appointment. Form, style, and beyond: caption of an artwork v. s. Museum wall label beside an artwork: caption includes: Appro(cid:454)i(cid:373)ate date (cid:894)(cid:862)(cid:272). (cid:863) = circa i(cid:374) lati(cid:374), (cid:373)ea(cid:374)i(cid:374)g (cid:862)appro(cid:454)i(cid:373)ate(cid:863)(cid:895) Collection: museum wall label, comparing to a caption: Additional info: donation/gift information2, brief intro of the artist, background of the piece. When referring an artwork in your writing, always include the artist"s (cid:374)a(cid:373)e, title of the work i(cid:374) italic, and its approximate date of creation: [the prof did a little quiz about c zanne"s art style] Whe(cid:374) looki(cid:374)g at artworks, tr(cid:455) to (cid:373)e(cid:373)orize the artists" perso(cid:374)al st(cid:455)le. This will be in exams as well: where to find art, fadis: https://fadis. library. utoronto. ca/cgi-bin/webobjects/fadis, artstor: https://library. artstor. org/#, oxford art online a dictionary focusing on artists & art http://www. oxfordartonline. com/ I(cid:373)ages fou(cid:374)d through google i(cid:373)ages (cid:373)ight (cid:271)e altered (cid:894)(cid:272)ropped, (cid:373)i(cid:374)i(cid:373)ized, et(cid:272). (cid:895).