VPMC88H3 Lecture : Lecture 1 Introduction

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9 Jan 2011

Document Summary

Most popular music is like this: imitative polyphony. For example, fugue, melodic line come in different pitch, break off instead of overlap: homophony. Hymn sing in church is in this style: heterophony. One melodic line, the other melodic line doubles, but sometimes break off. Chord grouping of 3 or more notes at different interval simultaneously. Consonance pleasant sound, stable, no need for resolution. Dissonance unstable, need resolution, like augmented fourth and second. Mode (major/ minor), key (central pitch and mode), modulation. Modulation process of changing key, i. e. , c major to c minor. Three elements of form: repetition chorus, contrast conflict, instability, move forward, tension, variation same melody, but in different key, texture. Form: binary ab/ aabb/ aab, two parts form, typical in dance, ternary aba/ aba", typical in pop music. Compound ternary a (aba) b (cdc) a (aba: through composed melody does not repeat, ancde, typical of symphonic poem, strophic same melody is repeated to each stanza, a a" a"".

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