WSTB13H3 Lecture Notes - Timbaland, Black Body, Stupid Girls
Document Summary
Music is also an area that defines our definition of masculinity and feminity. Examines the dreamworlds that videos and music create. However one gender dreamworld may differ from another"s. Its used female sexuality to draw the crowds. There"s a consist story about feminity and masculinity. Constructing feminity: what it means to be a man or man comes from stories and music videos make clear that what is most important about a woman is her sexuality. Women are presented as aggressors that wont take no for answer. Sexualizing women"s behavior even when men are not absent and that"s saying that men are absent women is nonexistent. Weather its beyonce; christina aguilera or britney spears the message is the same. The view that women are solely there for male pleasure and they"re to be controlled. The images we see in videos are never innocent never an accident.