ANT100Y1 Lecture 5: Archaeology Lecture Five + Readings
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, northern china in 1750 b. c. , in the new world 2kya and in tropical africa years later: ancient high civilizations, mesopotamia (3200 bc), nile valley (3000 bc), indus valley (2500 bc), North china (2000 bc), mesoamerica (1500 bc), south america (inca state . Pictorial" forms: e. g, the letter a" is thought to be descended from a stylized semitic drawing of an ox head. Later developments involve syllabic/alphabetic systems: syllabic written symbol for each syllable. e. g. , cuneiform (mesopotamia) and hieroglyphics (egypt: alphabetic written symbol for each vowel and consonant. e. g. , greek alphabet 22 symbols; roman (latin) alphabet. 21 symbols: earliest writing we see from anywhere in the world is mesopotamia, e. g. , clay tablet from jemdet nasr, mesopotamia, ca. describes the organization of fields and crops. The circular and semicircular impressions are numbers: mesopotamians use writing to record trades of goods, metallurgy, early metalworking (copper/bronze/iron ages) ca.