ANT100Y1 Lecture : Archaeology-Chapter 9 and 10-Lower and Middle Paleolithic Lifeways Nov 6 2008
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O percussion flaking: a tool making technique in which one stone is struck with another to remove a flake. O unifacial tool: a tool worked or flaked on one side only. O bifacial tool: a tool worked or flaked on two sides. O oldowan: the earliest stone tool making tradition, named after tools found in bed i at. The stone artifacts include core tools and sharp edged flakes made by striking one stone against another. O choppers/ scrapers- hack off branches-> cut animal joints. O hominins moved during the year, had main bases/communities. O did not exactly have home bases but main areas where tools are stored, process food. O skeletal evidence; increased flexion of the basicranium. O ape-like anatomy and brains that resemble living apes in both size and external form; no strong evidence for spoken language. O no support for language capabilities; h habilis.