ANT204H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Dative Case, White Supremacy, Hamites
Document Summary
Where: dealing with european perspectives because of degree of influence: beam of. European bias shines through most notably: could go as far back as looking at how romans talked about conquered peoples but we shall only mention this. 14th-17th centuries: renaissance: rebirth of interest in classical learning and art. Only main power was the catholic church, who determined what was truth. 16th century onwards, initiated from 1492, we see this beginning of continuous. They also have to encounter all the different groups that exist along the coasts of africa, as well. Many origins: different camps, re: where people came from, monogenists took the bible literally, as a literal history of the world. These were based on travellers" accounts, and say aha! . One of the more well-known writers who articulated these civilized/barbarian differences was thomas hobbes (1588- 1679): without states and civilizations, the life of a savage was.