BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Coevolution, Daphne Major, Speciation

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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What darwin saw: a geographical perspective on biodiversity and adaptation. Tropical and temperate ecosystems and their species vary greatly. The purpose of darwin"s voyage on the h. m. s. Beagle was to map and circumnavigate the world; he was employed as a naturalist to collect biological and geological specimens. From england, darwin was used to seeing forests/ecosystems with low species diversity. With low species diversity there is a greater chance for wind pollination to occur. They travelled to brazil on the beagle; had tropical forests. The deeper you go into the tropics, the larger the amount of species diversity. There are more biotic interactions in the tropics than abiotic interactions. Wind pollination is rare in the tropics. Because species diversity is so large, mates (plants that are wind pollinated) are often spatially far from one another, makes wind pollination difficult and so animals dominate pollination through plants via cross pollination.