BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Depletion Region, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Helps w/ gas exchange + maintain buoyancy. Submerged leaves: highly divided large sa for photosynthesis + absorption, minimizes h2o resistance less damage to leaves, different from emerging (less division) or floating leaves. Plants can"t move at all in bad conditions local enviro adaptations to extreme fluctuations seek good conditions w/in reach: above ground, light, temp + humidity changes during day. Co2 + o2 levels stay about the same: soil buffers roots from high low temps. Co2, o2, h2o + nutrients [ ] varies temporally + spatially. Plant movement in the direction of an enviro stimulus (e. g. light: positive tropism movement twd stimuli, negative tropism movement away from stimuli (e. g. vines) Plants move in a certain direction in response to light. Shoot tips grow twd light source: auxin move twd shaded part of shoot cells elongate more on this shaded area shoot bends twds light positive tropism.